
Here is how to install the gmic-py binary Python module on your operating system.

For now only Mac OS (till 2.8.3) and Linux / Unix (2.9.x) are supported.

For sp / sample and update commands to work, the curl or wget executable must be installed.

If you cannot install anything on your machine, you may also install gmic-py from a Jupyter Notepad or Google Colab, see Jupyter/IPython/GColab support

For Linux / Unix

If you have pip:

pip install gmic

Or conda:

conda install gmic

For Mac OS

If you have pip:

pip install gmic

If the OpenMP library is not installed yet, you may want to install it first (for parallelization speedup):

brew install libomp # Or possibly clang-omp if failing

For Windows (future)

gmic-py’s support for Windows is planned but not ready yet.