Welcome to gmic-py's documentation! =================================== ``gmic-py`` is a Python 3 binding for the `G'MIC Image Processing Framework `_ written in C++. ``gmic`` is the package name of `gmic-py on pypi.org `_, so you should ``pip install gmic`` (see :doc:`installing`). G'MIC provides image-processing commands for 1D to 4D images, as well as many graphical filters. It is thus targetted at both artists and data-scientists. .. image:: _static/images/292_plan.png This documentation showcases various uses of ``gmic-py``: * gmic-py alone in pure Python, * with `Numpy `_, * with the `Python Imaging Library (PIL) `_, * with `scikit-image `_, * (soon) with `pygame `_ and `Tkinter `_, * (soon) with `p5 processing for Python `_. Head over to the :doc:`gettingstarted` section for examples. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 installing gettingstarted tutorials numpy PIL skimage jupyter compiling gmic Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`